I made a new mis-matched stars and stripes mini kit!! I hope you all like it. Sorry I haven't been on lately and the kits are slowing down. I've been sick and so have the kids. I should be around more and there is another awesome kit in the works. Warm wishes ladies.Download Papers Download Elements
So, I have finally finished my Christmas mini kit, and ofcourse i'm going to name it after my favorite Christmas movie. I hope you all enjoy it and chack back tomorrow because there will be a blog train coming through!!! Elements Papers Alpha
As some of you may have seen on the other blog I have left being a DIT to be on my own. From now on you will only be able to get my kits here. I have expired all of the links on the DIT blog and brought my kits home with me :). I hope to see you all here and all I can say about my next kit is.... HO HO HO!!
I feel like poop :( I haven't been feeling well at all so i'm sorry for the absence. I got an award, my second BTW for those of you keeping track :) I'm going to be included in a blog train in which I am super excited! It should be coming out next week so please stay tuned as you will only be able to get my contribution on this blog.
Now for Charlie, a wonderful designer I CT for. She has made yet another adorable kit. It's called Wedding Treasures. Since I don't have any photos of mine on this computer I asked some friends if I could use their pictures and they let me. The one you will be seeing here is Melissa and her husband Geoff. I hope you like it :) The kit (which you can get here)---- The layout I made with it----
First off, i'd like to thank Sharlene over at Charlie's Digiscraps. She has given me my very first award. This award...This award is called the "Proximidade Award" or "Friendship Around The World Award". Originally this award was written in Spanish, but it translates to highlight blogs that are pleasing or special in some way, and also to extend the hand of friendship around the world. I have to pass this award on to 8 blogs soooooooo I am going to pass this award along to 8 people who I think have wonderful blogs and have either proven their potential or have the potential to do something wonderful....
For my next order of business i'd like to announce my next kit called Serenity! Please leave feedback and if you make LO's with it please share them! Thanks!! papers elements
Charlie is having her grand opening over at the store and it is awesome!! 50% off for a week. Her new kit Honey Love is adorable! I strongly suggest you run over there and grab it as fast as you can!! You can grab it here. This is what I did with it... Another awesome kit Charlie!! We hope to see you all there!
I think I use the word super a lot. Oh well. I just created my very first kit called Sophisticated for the DIT blog! I think it's just ok. However other people seem to think it's great! Soooo you can go ahead and grab it, the links are below the preview. I hope you all love it! Please leave comments. Thanks!
Well, I have some great news!!! First off, I am one of the new ct's over at Charlie's Digiscraps! Let me tell you, she is an awesome designer! To kick off her opening her own store she's having a sale! From Friday to Friday and you definitely don't want to miss out.Also, i've got my first assignment as a DIT so watch out for that!! Hope to see you all over at scrap and snap!
Yes! In fact, you are. I have re-designed, I may do this often so that I an satisfy my ADD. Sooo if you come back periodically and this blog is different you haven't stumbled upon a new blog just a new design of my blog. So, I LOVE IT! I got the design from Allie Brown's Layouts and you can find that here. Thanks Allie :)
I have been picked to be a DIT over at the Shabby Pumpkin!! I'm super excited. I can't wait to get started and start designing. Once I have more details i'll share but until then Happy Scrapping :)
I haven't been here to post lately but when I came on today I noticed that the 2 things i've actually made myself were featured on Digifree!! I had downloads on both of them too which made me even more excited!! I'm currently looking to become a designer in training sooo hopefully I will be able to make my own kits in the next couple of months! That's all the news I have for today. Yay!!
I'm a 23 year old mother from NY. I have 3 very beautiful little girls and a wonderful husband and I LOVE digital scrapbooking.
I probably won't be making any of my own designs any time soon, but hopefully someday.
I hope to get to know each and every one of you at some point!!
More than Digi Scrap :)
Many of you may know by now that I have more than just one love. Digi
Scrapbooking is my love for sure, I will never leave it, hehe... BUT I do
LOVE beauty...
Random Dozen
1. How do you feel about "Gladiator" sandals, also called "Roman" or
"Jesus" sandals? A fashion yea or nay? not for me
2. What is your favorite pizza? art...
Layout catch up
Hi guys, I have done a few layouts recently and I haven’t been posting them
here because I have been making process videos and posting on my YouTube